

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Your new app, Invest.gov, is a great idea, but it’s TMI! Don’t you think? The Public Infrastructure map is covered with green dots. My dad would go berserk seeing all those government funded projects because in his mind, anything run by the government is prone to  inefficiencies & corruption. I am bothered that the mapping application prevents me from comprehending the projects in my community. The zoom in feature doesn’t help. I’m not convinced it’s going to help your reelection campaign.

            I’m Aggie Proud to share that 19-year-old Tanishq Mathew Abraham (TMA), may be the youngest PhD graduate in the US. He applies deep machine learning (AI) to medicine. You need him on the cabinet to help you decide what to do about AI.

            Who do you have advising you about that now? If you can’t get TMA, how about Geoffrey Hinton, the guy who pioneered AI? Now that he’s quit Google, he’s unemployed. He regrets that his intellectual endeavors may have unleashed a monster. He notes, ““It is hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things,” especially now that “the tech giants are locked in a competition that might be impossible to stop.”

            I’d love to hear your take on what we should be doing about this AI threat so we can all calm down.

            I’d also like to hear your take on what’s going on in the Burmese border towns of Shwe Kokko & Lay Kay Kaw where lawlessness is rampant.  In addition to casinos, they’ve got captive workers who are forced to work in call centers conducting internet scams. A Thailand energy company just cut off the power because the supply contract expired & the junta declined to extend it. I wonder if AI would be helpful in modeling the system, there, so you could figure out how to effectively reform it.

            Let’s figure out how to use AI as a tool for peacemaking. Perhaps you can entice TMA to work on that.




