

Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            The month is almost over. Time flies. God is change.

            What do you think of that idea? “God is change.” I encountered it when reading Parable of the Sower, by Octavia Butler. Published in 1993, it’s prophetic dystopic speculative fiction about 2023 – 2027, when food & water are scarce. A teenage girl, with the affliction of feeling the pain of others, develops the “God is change” philosophy that keeps her hope alive.

 “God is change” resonates with me more than the idea that a being exists who somehow controls activities, can impregnate women & spontaneously ignites bushes.

According to  Jessica Grose, writing in the NYT, I’m not alone in seeking to figure out the magical, mystery of life. She wonders about the rise of “nones” in the US & invited readers to tell her why they lost their religion. Of course, she got 7000 different answers, but concluded that church isn’t working for most folks. She hopes that new meaning-making communities will emerge as Americans “create something nurturing that is also suited to modern life.”

My ideal community would embrace all people, foster loving connections between individuals & treat our planet as sacred. I hope our co-housing endeavor at Washington Commons approaches this ideal.

I appreciate what you are doing to move our nation in this direction.

I lament the actions of folks like VVP & Min Aung Hlaing (MAL) who destroy rather than uplift communities. Two people were killed & 2 wounded in a Russian shelling of a refuge for civilians known as an invincibility point in the city of Kherson in southern Ukraine. One of MAL’s military fighter jets dropped 3 bombs on close to a monastery in Nyaung Kone, killing 10 innocent citizens. It’s hard for me to see that of God in these guys, but I keep trying.

            I hope your visit to Queens goes well today.





