


            As we approach longest day of the year, I rise with the sun to maximize my exposure to light.

            Heightened anticipation – that’s my state today. My head & heart are full from contact with so many affirming people over the past few days. What am I going to do with these good vibes? Can’t wait to see.

            Speaking of affirmations – yesterday, I gave one to a distraught airline employee crying in a Logan airport women’s room. After washing my hands, I asked her if she wanted to talk, & she nodded, so I stood by her stroking her back. She was too emotional to respond to my inquiry about her name, so I stood by her for a bit & then hugged her & whispered, “God loves you.” I hope it helped. A random moment of ministry that leaves me mystified.

            Did you get a chance to learn much about Chiena Ty yesterday? While her remarks at your press conference at Palo Alto Baylands were a bit rough, she seems to be a passionate soul, using her energies to make the world a better place. We need more young folks like her. Thanks for giving her words of encouragement.

            Please stop putting foreign countries in the position of having to choose sides. Don’t make India decide between Russia & us. Don’t make ASEAN decide between China & us. Relationships are complicated. We benefit in various ways from each one. Let’s be the best friend we can be to every government on the planet by helping them to be their best selves & inquiring about questionable decisions. Tickle their conscience. Don’t try to control them. Avoid judgement.

            Finally, please repeat our mantra, WINTA when you meet with NDM later this week. According to the WP, he’s got his eyes on 31 armed drones, joint production of fighter jet engines with GE & to deepen cooperation in military innovation. Just remember those drones could be used to quell civil unrest. NDM has shown he’s the kind of guy who might do such a thing. Best not to make any deals.




