

May 18, 2023

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How was your trip? It’s midnight for you, right now. Are you sleeping or is jet lag keeping you awake?

            You will need your rest for the talks with your buddies tomorrow. While you all will probably be spending most of your time figuring out how to continue putting the financial squeeze on Russia, I hope you will talk about how to prevent Singapore from selling arms to Burma.

            According to the most recent UN report, Min Aung Hlaing has gotten $254 million in imported weapons originating from Singapore. Certainly, the G7 can put some pressure on Lee Hsien Loong to stop this.

            Do you think that Shalanda Young (SDY) can convince KMM’s people to raise the debt limit? I understand that her life as a working mom has given her special insights in budgeting. She recognizes that “a budget is your values” & “the federal budget can and should help make the promise of this country real for all families.” I’m glad she’s representing you in negotiations. Fingers crossed all goes well.

            I have to go interview a candidate for our human relations job. So, this is a short note.

            Have a wonderful time in Japan. I hope that being in Hiroshima reminds you that WINTA.




