

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s been two years since the junta executed its coup in Burma. Since I have written to you almost every day about the plight of the people there, you are fully informed about how things have gone down since 2021.

In case you want a review, CNN ran a story today including details from a couple of atrocities to illustrate the use of lethal force on civilians trying to go about their daily lives. The story ends with a quote from a mother who lost her 7-year old son when soldiers came & shot up his school. She says, “I want to ask the world to support us so our children’s death will not be in vain. Will you just look away from us? How many kids have to risk their lives?”

            I don’t think you are looking away, but I think you could do more. Your recent sanctions on the mining enterprises, energy officials & military officials are a step in the right direction, but you could do more, like sanctioning all oil & gas services related to MOGE. According to the G, “Leaked tax records suggest subsidiaries of international gas field contractors continued to make millions after the coup.” It’s time to put a stop to that even if it angers Thailand.

            Let’s also remember that despite the destruction & hardships, the people of Burma continue to strive for a better world. As Howard Zinn wrote, ““To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.” Please lift up the citizens of Burma so they know you are watching.

            As you lift people up, please acknowledge Patricia Okker, whose contract as President of New College was just terminated. She spoke out yesterday saying that her faculty were NOT indoctrinating students. It’s troubling that DeSantis is attacking the intellectuals. The history of that is chilling. I wonder who is paying attention.





