

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Inflection Point! That phrase in the first sentence of your op-ed piece caught my attention this AM. As a math educator, I am delighted to see a term from calculus used to mark the importance of this moment but need to correct your assumption that inflection points are rare. We calculate derivatives to determine these points & functions can have several of them. Sine functions have an infinite number. They are a common occurrence & can mark a minor change in the slope of a graph. Attention to precision would suggest you use a different term to mark a significant turn of events.

            Regarding the rest of your argument, I appreciate your goal to “end the war (in Gaza) forever (&) break the cycle of unceasing violence.” I share your concern that here in America, “too much hate has been given too much oxygen.” Your sentiments about civilians resonate with me. I just wish you had included the children of Burma as a population of concern. My favorite sentence is, “out of great tragedy & upheaval, enormous progress can come.”

I wonder about your claim, “The United States is the essential nation.” India & China have more people than we do. Russia has more land. Luxembourg has a higher income per capita. Venezuela has more oil. Israel is more religious. Indonesia is more generous & Finland is happier. We may have more weapons than any other country, but that is nothing to be proud of!!!

Overall, I am troubled with somewhat menacing tone of the piece & must remind you WINTA! Enough about the Op-Ed.

Enjoy your Friendsgiving in Norfolk today. It looks like Jill’s Office organized it as part of their “Joining Forces” project to support the families of our troops. I noticed Tom Hanks (TJH) is helping with the “Caregiver Champion Campaign” which supports families who have a disabled vet at home. Don’t you love TJH?




