

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

“Fight for a just cause. Love your Fellow Man. Live a Good Life.” Did you know that’s how William Bowers Bourn II came up with the name for Filoli?  What did you think of the place? Was XJ impressed?

On your walk around the grounds, did you talk at all or was it just a photo op? If so, did XJ speak English with you? If so, what did you talk about?

Sorry for peppering you with questions. I will now turn to appreciations with a listing of 5 recent events that I am grateful for:

1)    You called XJ “straight” & noted your willingness to “trust but verify.”

2)    You wished XJ’s wife a happy birthday.

3)    XJ said, “Planet Earth is big enough for the two countries to succeed.”

4)    Congress passed a budget measure & the shutdown was averted.

5)    The younger generation of Israeli & Palestinian peacemakers have ideas about the “day after” the war & have a plan for making a shared homeland like the EU (see NYT for more info).

Here’s my list of 5 suggestions for you:

1)    Stop spreading misinformation about Hamas’ atrocities.

2)    Don’t call XJ a dictator.

3)    Team up with XJ to put an end to the atrocities in Burma.

4)    Chant our mantra, WINTA.

5)    Hang in there.





