

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            As I contemplate the foibles of human nature this AM, an image from my childhood of Fred Flintstone with a little Fred on each shoulder, one with horns & the other with wings keeps coming to mind. I worry that Bibi is that little horned character on your shoulder whispering in your ear, begging for weapons. I am here to be the character with wings that reminds you WINTA!!!

            Here’s my logic. The 1500 or so “Hamas fighters” who invaded Israel on Oct 7 are murderers. They were following an ambitious plan that no one believed would work, much like the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993. They were amazed when they successfully breached the security fence in more than 20 places & went on a rampage. They fully expected to die in the effort & still expect to die. We know they are in an intricate maze of tunnels under Gaza & the only way to get them will be with small robots & soldiers. The air & missile defenses you want to give to Bibi will NOT affect the criminals responsible for the Oct 7 atrocities. Instead, they will harm everyone living in Gaza.

            Please stop calling this thing a WAR & clarify it is as a mission to round up criminals. Stop kidding yourself about the fantasy known as “the rules of war.”

            I mentioned the devil on your shoulders because I heard hints of him in your speech last night, especially when you talked about the “patriotic American workers building the arsenal of democracy & serving the cause of freedom.”

            Military spending is not a good thing!!! The jobs that come of it are not a good thing! I do not want you to send $10.6 billion to Bibi. He cannot be trusted!!!

            I would like to hear you saying more stuff like “in recent years too much hate has given too much oxygen, fueling racism the rise of anti-Semitism & Islamophobia, right here in America” & “ in moments like these, when fear & suspicion anger & rage run hard, that we have to work harder than ever to hold on to the values that make us who we are.”




