

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

Ike’s words about the “military-industrial complex” are on my mind today. They come up for me as I hear that Ukraine is getting more tanks from Germany & you are talking about sending more weapons, too. The complex profits from these transactions & so they continue.

We are not made “safe” by arming ourselves!!! That is true of us collectively as well as individually. We need to change the mentality that owning weapons prevents harm. Weapons cause self-inflicted wounds more often than harming an enemy. It’s true in homes where depressed people take their own lives & in countries where generals use their bombs on their own citizens. Let’s do all we can to reorient our citizens to the use of force to solve problems.

Of course, this is on my mind because of the 2 mass shootings in CA this week. I am particularly troubled that people of my generation were killed while dancing. I can easily imagine myself at the ballroom immersed in the pleasure of movement. It’s chilling to think that a place of joy is now a place of sorrow.

Please take a look at Nicholas Kristof ideas for promoting gun safety.

As we contemplate that issue in our country, let’s keep in mind that it is “rooted in a political struggle & an anti-Blackness,” that grew from the implicit knowledge of the possibility that freed slaves & their descendants could seek retribution through violence. We need to address this fear by acknowledging our debts to those descendants & providing them retribution that uplifts us all.

            As we contemplate the message that violence never solved a problem, let’s be creative in coming up with exit strategies for the generals in Burma. As you probably heard, they recently violated Indian air space to bomb a hospital. This will energize the Mizo people to continue the battle. It’s a complicated situation but clearly WINTA!!




