

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It is NOT raining. What a relief! It’s supposed to start up again tomorrow. A day to dry up is most welcome.

            I hope Jill is doing ok. I have had skin cancers removed from my face. It’s no fun! For the time being, I am abstaining from Moh’s procedures on my face since the last one I had was so traumatic. I am taking the wait & see approach to the spot on my nose that my dermatologist doesn’t like.

            My condolences to you on the parting of your friend, Ash Carter. It’s kind of you to eulogize him today. He sounds like a unique individual who understood people & science. That’s rare. Did you know that he did calculus problems to relax? According to the Harvard Crimson, he had “a strong footing in science and technology, & ferocious appetite for trying to understand all frontiers of technology, & …a deep set of commitments to national security, policy, and policymaking.” I can see why BHO appointed him to be Defense Secretary. I wish I had known him.

            What’s up with these classified documents that folks are finding here & there? Don’t you hate secrets? They are nothing but trouble.

            Good news of the day comes from AJ that China snubbed the junta by not responding to their invitation to the Lancang-Mekong gathering, which “appeared to signal that it would not prioritise its relationship with the military regime above its relationship with ASEAN countries.” The China-Myanmar Economic Corridor isn’t making much progress with all of the fighting in the region so China is taking a pause. I see that as a step toward peace. Yeah!




