

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Our retreat yesterday was a success! At least I thought so. The best part was that everyone in the room had a chance to voice their ideas about our vision statement. My only regret is that I did not introduce myself to the young African American man in the room who looked like he’d prefer to be elsewhere. I noticed him but did not go out of my way to greet him. I hope to do better.

            Are you having fun hearing languages from around the world in the UN today? I was surprised how many of the hikers on the John Muir Trail in Yosemite were speaking a language other than English making me wonder if there really is a God. Why would God make it impossible for people to converse with one another? The Bible story about Babel is an attempt to explain this phenomenon, but I don’t buy it.

            While you are at the UN today, please inquire about Burma. You might have to call it, Myanmar, since that name is used there. The junta’s latest stunt is to threaten jail terms of up to 10 years just for liking or sharing “terrorist” content on social media. They are getting desperate. Please bring up the idea of peaceful resolution in Burma. It could catch on.

If you have a minute, take a look at the digital version of the NYT today where you will see a fantastic animation about what could happen in 49 days when we have the midterm elections. While it illustrates the bad news that GOP will probably take the House, it does so using brilliant visual journalism. Don’t you love human creativity?

            Speaking of elections, at least Warnock has a chance to beat Walker in GA. I would hate to have a former football player in the Senate who thinks we have “enough trees” & pretends to be a police officer.




