

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It rained. A lot! Feels like a whole new world. I collected every drop that I could. I am rejoicing.

            You, on the other hand, are grieving, along with dignitaries from around the world. QE2’s death, though anticipated for a long time, has captivated us. The NYT has all kinds of coverage, my favorite being the following:

Sithula Omatthage, 9, insisted on laying a floral tribute at the gates of Green Park. He had written his own note…: “Dear Queen Elizabeth, I didn’t want you to die. I wanted you to be the world’s oldest woman.”

“Children in these times have never had a king,” he said firmly. “I prefer a queen.”

Not only do I agree with his preference for female leaders, but I love his devotion to a woman with much less melanin than he has & a lot more money.

            Did you read that the junta killed 6 children in the village of Let Yet Kone in the central Sagaing region of Burma? The military sent in a helicopter because they suspected rebels were hiding munitions in a Buddhist complex with a monastery & school. Please do not let this go unnoticed. Those children deserve the same attention as QE2, perhaps more, given that they were killed before they had a chance to live their lives.

            I encourage you to take 4 minutes to listen to Amanda Gorman to spit to the UN this AM. It’s SPOKEN WORD so much better to hear her perform it, than to read it. The end goes like this:

They were born. This morn let it be sworn

That we are one human kin,

Grounded not just by the griefs

We bear, but by the good we begin.

To anyone out there:

I only ask that you care before it’s too late,

That you live aware and awake,

That you lead with love in hours of hate.

I challenge you to heed this call,

I dare you to shape our fate.

Above all, I dare you to do good

So that the world might be great


Did you know she plans to be POTUS? Don’t worry, she’s not planning to run in 2024.




