

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Whitehouse.gov still does not have a statement from you condemning the executions of the pro-democracy activists in Burma. I appreciate that Sec of State Blinken tweeted that, “Such reprehensible acts of violence and repression cannot be tolerated,” but as POTUS, you need to weigh in.

         Please advocate for the following actions:

• Targeted sanctions and a global arms embargo against this junta
• Cutting off payments to Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise and jet fuel to military
• Referral of Myanmar to the International Criminal Court
• Suspension of Myanmar from the ten-member coalition of SE Asian nations

I understand that we are putting pressure on China to use their influence with the junta, but you & I both know democracy & human rights are not a high priority in the PRC. Please do more to let the people of Burma know that you care.




