


I am back from my vacation in the woods where I did not have internet access. Our phone line was broken. My 88-year old mom was distraught with the thought that she might be in the middle of the woods, alone without means of communication with the outside world. Since access to information is imperative to the functioning of our democracy, we need to get folks in the hinterlands connected. Please make sure that Marinette County in WI gets some of the $100 million grant that you advertised in your June 7, 2021 statement “announcing new investments from the American Rescue Plan to help provide every American with access to affordable, high-speed internet.”

            How did the trip to the Mid-East go? I assume it was fine. My trip was fine, too. During our 22 hours in the car, we read letters from my grandpa to my grandma in 1929. Fascinating!!! Conversing about them prevented me from acting like my 13-year-old self which was a blessing!

            Did you see that Myanmar is in the news today? Here are some quotes: “ those already poor (are) falling into deeper destitution (WP).” Magway is being “specifically targeted by the military’s latest “land clearance” operations – scorched-earth campaigns that have so far entailed the wholesale arson of entire villages (G).” A 72-year old retired teacher, playing a video game called War of Heroes , explains, “Even though I can’t kill soldiers who are brutally killing civilians, killing in the game is satisfying, too (NYT).” It breaks my heart to see elders succumbing to a violent mindset. Even if the game is raising $$ to support the citizens, it fuels hatred & that is never warranted. Please continue to do what you can to promote peace in Burma!

            Gotta go so I can read the 440 emails that have piled up in my in-box. I hope your trip to Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, today is a success. I appreciate all you are doing to reduce gun crime and save lives.




