

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            My agitation over the shooting at the Robb Elementary continues, exacerbated to some extent by sleep disruption due to something I ate. I am not in a joyful mood today. I hope that changes soon. According to the Dalai Lama, the path to joy is through suffering & adversity, & depends on nonattachment, compassion & wisdom. I find the nonattachment piece the hardest, but I will do my best to focus on others rather than myself to spread good energy.

            The photos of the children who were killed on the front page of the NYT reduced me to tears, especially the one of Rojelio Torres wearing his “Difference Maker” T-shirt. 10-year-olds are wonderful to teach. They are starting to have ideas of their own, but are still receptive to adults. How can we stay detached from such sweet souls?

            I am sorry I did not have the energy to learn much about what you were up to yesterday. It looks like you are having a restful day today with nothing on your schedule. The NYT had 0 mentions of you. Are you sure you want to keep such a low profile?

            Did you see that Brigade 3 of the Karen National Liberation Army has claimed control of Kyaukkyi and Mone townships in eastern Bago Region o Burma? This means that the people there are free to fish & farm without getting permission from the junta. This sounds like good news to me. What do you think?





