

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How are things going in Asia? Are you trying some of the Korean food? It can be extremely spicy! My husband & I learned that when dining at a Korean restaurant on Lake Merritt in Oakland in 1987. The menu was full of things we’d never heard of, so we randomly picked a few dishes. When we told the waitress what we wanted, she asked if we were sure we wanted one our choices. She said, “it’s very hot.” We said, “we like hot food.” She said, “this one is extremely hot.” We said, “great.” Well, you can probably guess where this is going. Suffice it to say, we learned to listen to waitresses.

            I have two requests for you as you speak with PM Fumio Kishida (FK) today.

1)    Tone down the military rhetoric – WINTA!! Being from Hiroshima, FK is particularly concerned about nuclear weapons. Please do not offer any to him!!!

2)    Discuss Myanmar – people there need humanitarian aid. The best way to get it to them may be through Thailand. Try to figure out a way to make that work.

Enjoy your visit,

Peace be with you,



