

May 10, 2022

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I noticed IN Rep Victoria Spartz at your signing event yesterday. She looked perturbed. I’m sure the situation in Ukraine is weighing on her. Unfortunately, it seems she spends her life in a state of perturbation & takes it out on her staffers. According to Politco, she “topped a nonpartisan group’s “Worst Bosses” list last year, winning the dubious title of most staff turnover in the House.” It seems she asks her staff to do things & when they follow her directions, she scolds them for being stupid. Perhaps some anger management training would help & a congressional staff union would enable workers some protection from volatile politicians who use rage as their primary operating instrument.

            I hope your visit with Italy’s PM Mario Draghi (MD) goes well today. As you know, many Italians are ambivalent about sending weapons to Ukraine. According to Reuters, Italy is the weakest link in the Western Alliance against VVP. Personally, I found it heartening to see that Italian opinion polls show little support for sending weapons to Ukraine. Many feel the same way I do, worrying about fueling the fire by adding arms & ammunition to the conflict.

Apparently, the Pope has quite a bit of influence in Italy & he feels the same way I do. As faithful Catholics & graduates of Catholic high schools you & MD can both understand this. At your meeting today, I urge you to discuss the possibility of at least toning down the war rhetoric, if not changing the funding formula to help VZ. WINTA

            I hope your speech today about inflation is well received. Please continue to pray for Burma.




