

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I hope you are returning from Delaware refreshed & ready to go. Hopefully, you & yours can get some air time to deliver your message. Tyler Page’s article in today’s WP noted that the latest is “We bring jobs and results, and Republicans bring madness and mayhem.” Unfortunately he surmises, “there is little sign the party is pushing that message with cohesiveness, regularity or energy.” Olivier Knox claims, “it helps when most of the party is singing from the same hymnal, on-key, amplifying each other’s message,” so I hope you can get some harmony going.

            This is the week to get back to do it. As Desmond Tutu said, “You are a masterpiece in the making,” so it’s time to get busy. As you do so, please do not forget Myanmar. Folks there are fighting for democracy just as hard as the people of Ukraine.

            Most important of all, please recall WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER!!!




