

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,


Thanks for your Tweet to “pray for all who suffer, and seek to love others as God has loved us.” Did you notice that PM Modi also tweeted, posting, “We remember the courage and sacrifices of Jesus Christ today on Good Friday. His ideals of service and brotherhood are the guiding light for several people”? The “several people” part gave me pause, but otherwise it was a kind gesture.

  Speaking of Twitter, what’s up with Elon Musk’s attempt at a hostile take-over? It sure is big in the news! How did that guy get to be the richest man in the world?

I’m just learning about the Facilitating American-Built Semiconductors Act (FABS) & realized the brilliance of its name since the facilities that semiconductors are built in are called “fabs.” While it is prudent to have computer chips built in the USA, I wonder if the FABS Act addresses the environmental impacts of this industry. The “clean rooms” in fabs have toxic gases to etch the tiny wafers. They consume huge amounts of energy & water & produce tons of hazardous waste. As we subsidize this lucrative industry, I hope we are also requiring it to be “green.”

Using diamonds instead of silicon as the conducting material is one way of vastly improving the technology. It’s too bad that half the world’s diamonds are in Russia, or I’d advise you to require the semi-conductor businesses to develop diamond-based technologies.

  I have my doubts about our ability to completely sever economic relations with China & Russia. I encourage you to rethink that plan.

  As always, I hope you will pray for the people of Burma. Today, I encountered a chilling photo of 8 blind-folded junta soldiers captured by the Resistance force in the northwestern part of the country. They are just skinny kids, dressed in tattered uniforms. I hope their captors have mercy on them. Also pray for Vicenta Guzman whose 8th grade son died from being stabbed at a KC school on Tues.




