

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Congratulations – the NYT covered your trip to TX yesterday. It’s great that GOP Rep Jake Ellzey was there with you. Please do all you can to help veterans who have cancer & then do even more to prevent the occasion of war so those nasty burn pits that expose soldiers to awful chemicals won’t happen.

            Thanks for doing what you can to figure out cryptocurrency. It’s still a mystery to me. I guess I need to read the full white paper by fake author, Satoshi Nakamoto, which explains that it’s “an electronic payment system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust, allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without the need for a trusted third party.” That’s a dense sentence that’s hard for me to wrap my head around. Have you been able to figure it out?

            Apparently, we are late getting in on this thing. China, Myanmar, Venezuela have all launched their own cryptocurrencies. If the junta is taking it up, we have to be wary of the illicit activity aspect. Those in the know say that the Russians will use cryptocurrency to avoid sanctions. According to Vanity Fair, they wonder, “if the new world of good versus evil, Russia versus Ukraine, has any patience for the libertarian utopia crypto bros have been selling us for the last decade.” Time will tell.

            Speaking of sanctions, I encourage you to consider sanctioning sales of jet fuel to Burma. The WSJ has an article about this today if you want more info.




