

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It looks like you are having a more typical POTUS day than you have had in a long time. It’s nice to see that the WH is getting back to its pre-Covid activity of welcoming foreign leaders, holding press conferences & hosting legislation signing events – all while on high alert to find out how things are going in Ukraine.

After all the activity at 1600 Penn Ave, it might be hard to get into a more somber mood to pay your respects to Rep Don Young in the Capitol. I understand that he was quite the character. According to the WP  “Young could go from shoving you to bringing you in for a bear hug,” and would “work across party lines and buck Republican leadership, including former president Donald Trump, if he felt it would benefit Alaskans or was the right thing to do.” Thanks for taking the time to celebrate his contribution to his constituents.

            Have you seen PM Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore tweets about visiting the WH? He’s just lifted some of the CV restrictions & has been running all over DC meeting with various folks. I hope that he is advocating on behalf of the Burmese people to get them humanitarian aid.

            When you sign the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act, don’t forget to mention Ida B Wells who petitioned 7 different POTUSes for that legislation. Her undaunted courage rivaled that of many men who braved the threat of death to make this country a better place. We need more folks with her indefatigable commitment.





