

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s Pi Day. Every math teacher’s favorite holiday. We bring pies to class & talk about the circles & how the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is that that number is a constant. Isn’t it a wonderful coincidence that pies are round!

Do you have a favorite pie? I found a recipe for Biden vinegar pie which features a cute pie crust image of you, but I am not fond of a pie that’s just sugar, egg & a bit of vinegar. I may make lemon méringue since citrus is in abundance in my neighborhood. Now that’s a tasty pie!

            It’s rather frivolous to be talking about pie when folks are in such distress in various parts of the world. It seems this disruption will have a lasting effect. The UN is warning of a food crisis given that anytime trade is limited, markets suffer. In this case, not only wheat, but fertilizer, may be in short supply.

In Jan. 2022, the UN identified 20 hunger hotspots around the world. Myanmar was on the list with 13 million food insecure people. The # of hot spots & the # of affected people will rise in the next quarter. I hope that American farmers have a bumper crop this year which we share with the world. Please make sure Sec of Ag Thomas J. Vilsack does whatever he can to incentivize production.

Along those line, please invite Frances Moore Lappe to the WH to discuss “diet for a small planet.” She was ahead of her time in 1971 when she promoted a plant-based diet to end world hunger. Cutting back on our meat consumption even a little bit would make a difference.




