

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Please do not get discouraged. Keep raising you voice & telling the world that VVP has gone off the deep end, that the Russian people do not want to annex Ukraine & that they do not want their kids dying just so VVP can brag about “denatzifying” Ukraine.

We are in the midst of a war for the hearts & minds of Russian speakers in the former USSR. Some are inclined to like authoritarian leaders, but most are critical thinkers schooled in chess & other strategic games that require thinking ahead. When they do this, they will realize that there is no future in trying to dominate people in today’s tech world.

This is not 1612, when Russian peasants were kept in ignorance by their illiteracy. In 2022, folks don’t even need to know how to read to see what’s going on in the world. As the WP notes, “Launching a war on Ukraine will isolate Russia’s economy, damage its trade and hinder technological development. It could also potentially trigger an exodus of young urban Russians and tech engineers uncomfortable with Putin’s revanchist vision who aspire to live in a modern, open world.”

Even if the troops succeed in ousting the duly elected Ukraine government, the people will be ungovernable under Russian rule & VVP will eventually fail.

            Our job is to double down on cyber security here in the USA & amp up the volume by shouting about democracy & power to the people. As your nominee to the SCOTUS, Ketanyi Brown Jackson, wrote, “Presidents are not kings!” & neither DJT, nor VVP, nor Burmese Gen. MAH have unlimited power, even though they like to act like they do. VVP just has to recall 1917 to realize that the Russian people do not put up with tyranny for long. We must have faith that love will conquer hate & we are better together.




