

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How are you holding up? I’m sure that this Russia/Ukraine situation is troubling. I just read in the G that the Russian troops who have moved into position along the Ukraine border. They are packed like sardines in train stations, don’t have food & according to the locals they “drink a lot & sell a lot of diesel fuel.” They can’t stay in their positions for long so either they will strike or they will back off. I am praying for the latter.

            Hearing about the grunts on the front line reminds me of my uncle, Stephen, who wrote several books about the experiences of the grunts in WWII. He used the stories to show the ingenuity & courage of kids raised in a democracy. They could think for themselves & get out of a jam when their commanding officer wasn’t around to tell them what to do. It sounds like the Russian grunts are lacking in that regard.

            Angus Roxburgh, writing in the G, suggests that preventing the folks in the Duma from traveling to the West is the way to get Russians to sour on VVP’s plans. I’m sure if it were that easy, you & other leaders would have thought of it, but it does make some sense that imprisoning them & their families in Russia would be odious & would make them think twice about their blind allegiance.

            As you deal with this crisis, please do not forget the crisis in Myanmar. Today’s G has a story about the Rohingya poets who despite living in brutal conditions of exile in Bangladesh lift up their voices. They explain, “the words we write cannot fully capture the burning pain or blade of death we have experienced, but at least the act of writing can help lift the weight we carry.” Let’s find inspiration in their undaunted courage.

            If I had more time & space I would opine on lithium & your virtual roundtable yesterday w/my governor, but that will have to wait for another day.




