

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Thanks for bringing some attention to our housing problems. I find it alarming that in NO state can a person working full-time at the federal minimum wage afford a two-bedroom apartment at the fair market rent. Let’s do better!

Homelessness came up during Meeting for Worship at the Davis Friends Meeting yesterday, inspired, in part, by the death of David Christian Peralta, a man who lived on our city streets for years. His obituary in the Davis Enterprise provided the story of his complicated life emphasizing that despite his disruptive behavior, he was part of a loving family.

David’s situation demonstrates the importance of the “housing first” idea that is part of your plan to reduce homelessness in the US by 25% in the next 2 years. People should not have to be clean & sober before they get a bed. Access to mental services should be paramount as well. You just have to spend a few hours in an emergency room to see that folks are struggling to hold it together. We need safe places for folks to find peace of mind.

            I hope that when you meet with Ecuador President Guillermo Lasso (GASLM) you remind him of the importance of respecting Leonidas Iza Salazar, President of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) who was detained in June because his peeps were protesting. Ecuador has a 71% democracy score & GASLM doesn’t want to ruin that by jailing dissidents. Please persuade GASLM to work with CONAIE to ensure that mining activities are environmentally sound.

            Please check in with Thomas Vajda (TLJ), who, as you know, is leaving his post as Ambassador to Myanmar. It makes sense to me that we are downgrading diplomatic relations so as not to legitimize the junta. TLJ should have some good ideas about how to get humanitarian aid to the Burmese.




