

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I am happy to report that I successfully got out of bed before the sun rose. My first personal victory of the day. I hope to have many more. I hope you have some personal victories, too.

            I would call it a victory if you gave a shout out to the leaders in ASEAN to come up with a new plan for addressing the situation in Burma. It’s great that our guy, Daniel Kritenbrink, has promised that we will take "additional steps to put pressure on the regime." Perhaps you could say something more specific.

            It was exciting to read about your visit with TikTok influencers this week. Isn’t it amazing that Nia Sioux has 8.3 followers? If she can educate her fans on the importance of voting in this election, it could make a real difference. She’s got her work cut out for her. According to the WP, “her young followers were confused by references to midterms in her posts. They thought she was speaking about her UCLA midterm exams. She rephrased her posts to clarify she meant the midterm elections.”

            They might be more excited by your candidates if they started talking about climate change. I know I would be. I encourage you to mention the UN Report that just came out while you visit with people in Syracuse today.

            Speaking of Syracuse, as you sing the praises of your efforts to bring Micron to upstate NY to make computer chips please also draw attention to your efforts to develop a carbon free economy.

            I’d love to hear you say something about peace, too. WINTA would be even better.




