

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Thanks for taking the time to honor Dale Haney, yesterday. 50-years looking after pets & plants at the WH in a joyful manner deserves some attention.

It looked like you were enjoying shoveling dirt into the hole. When other POTUSs planted trees, they used their golden shovels once to toss a little bit of soil, but you bent your knees, scooped up as much as you could & put the dirt right where it belonged. As you noted, it’s a great workout & it’s a wonderful way to take your mind off your troubles. You should dig more often, but you’ll want to get a more appropriate outfit.

            Have you heard that the death toll in the junta’s airstrike in the Kachin region has gone up to 80? The photos on Twitter of the bombing are profoundly disturbing, including one of 3 little children crying by the side of their father’s body. I urge you to get a report from Amnesty International. They are urging a sanction on aviation fuel, among other things. I don’t know how that would work, but anything you can do to prevent more atrocities like this one would be helpful.

            I remind you again, WINTA! I believe that is the sentiment behind the letter that Pramila Jayapal & the other 29 members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus had in mind when they encouraged you to speak with Putin. “A proactive diplomatic push” & a “negotiated settlement” will allow us all to move forward & TURN OUR ATTENTION TO FIGHTING CLIMATE CHANGE RATHER THAN ONE ANOTHER.

            As you popularize the idea that WINTA, please start using that phrase in all caps. Destroying existing infrastructure makes our environmental issues worse. I think the young Russian soldiers might think twice about following orders if they are encouraged to ponder their future on this planet.




