

Dear JRB,

            Today is my birthday. I plan to have all kinds of fun including working in my garden, riding my bike, reading student’s papers & playing Yhatzee with my husband. What kind of fun will you be having this Saturday, besides going to the Phoenix Awards Dinner?

            TheGrio reports that you’ll be tag-teaming with VP KDH giving speeches about what you are doing to help the Black community. The article also mentioned “a day-long summit on ending hate-fueled violence and extremism, which was planned in response to a host of violent attacks, including the murder of nine African Americans inside a grocery store in Buffalo, New York earlier this year.” How did I miss that?

            As you prepare for your speech you might read today’s CSM article about Curtis Toler, former gang member who is now a peace maker in Chicago. He looks for the 5-year-old child inside the 20-year-old shooters to he can imagine that they can change. You should invite him to the WH to shine a light on his hopeful endeavor.

            If you see KC Rep. Emanuel Cleaver tonight, you might congratulate him on finally getting Truman’s statue in the Rotunda. He’s especially grateful to Truman for desegregating the military which helped build a Black middle class.

            As you consider ways to help the Black community, please do more to help the people in Jackson, MS. According to the NAACP, MS state officials have violated civil rights law by repeatedly diverting federal funds meant for ensuring safe drinking water away from Jackson, to smaller, white communities.”  Please make sure the EPA gets involved so Jackson residents have safe drinking water.

            I was chagrinned to see that a passenger plane was shot at while descending into the city of Loikaw. One person was injured. The junta is blaming the Kareni. The Kareni deny doing it. It’s a reminder that violence is not the answer. Please continue to monitor the situation in Burma.




