

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I am going to be super short today. I am heading off at 8:00 to walk with a colleague so I have don’t have much time.  I just want you to know that I am thinking of you & sending good vibes your way.

            I was intrigued by the crew of CEOs you hosted at the WH yesterday, in particular, Barbara Humpton of Siemens. I noticed that she has been advocating for the federal government to create a bank of “digit twins” just in case we encounter a cyberattack. The idea of “digital twins” is new to me & it may just be a ploy by Siemens to get more government contracts, but given VVP’s aggressive stance, we might want to shore up our cyber security. I hope you talk with her about this.

            It’s exciting that we will be getting a Black woman on SCOTUS!!! I look forward to learning more about the brilliant women that you are considering for Stephen Breyer’s replacement.

            Did you see that Woodside Petrol is joining Total & Chevron in pulling out of Myanmar? Should we consider this a hopeful sign?





