


            That big storm is going to miss DE, so, it’ll be chilly & dry today & rainy tomorrow. That means you can go out to enjoy some fresh air. It’ll clear your head & get rid of any residue anger you might have toward JM3 & KLS.

            How are you feeling about the SCOTUS? Have you heard that the previous POTUS & his confederates are lashing out at Brent Kavanaugh (BMK) for upholding the vax mandate for health care workers”? They say he has no backbone & “the left ‘broke’ him.” While I find his personal history troubling & disagree with his decisions, he seems judicial to me. According to today’s WP his is the “most frequent swing vote on the court and the justice most often in the majority.” I hope that’s an indicator that he is doing his best to be fair.

            How many Americans are bothering to sort out the seeming contradictions between the SCOTUS’ decisions about your vax mandates? When I tried to, I found the CSM explanation helpful. Their article noted, “the rulings present a complex Supreme Court majority attitude toward government activities that has far-reaching implications for the future.” It cited U of PA Law Prof. Coglianese, “It’s clear that a majority of the court will be suspicious of grand exercises of regulatory authority by federal agencies,” & mentioned implication this has for administering climate change regs. Worrisome! But I’m not sure what you can do about it, except expand the court. What’s your thinking on that these days?

            Speaking of courts, did you hear that the Myanmar junta is contesting the jurisdiction of the ICJ in The Gambia v. Myanmar, Rohingya Genocide case? I find it fascinating that Gambia can file suit against Myanmar for violating the UN Genocide Convention & am grateful that we have a mechanism so the brutality of the junta faces global scrutiny & the plight of the Rohingya stays in the news.

            Speaking of staying in the news – you did pretty well today, given that it’s Sat. Your mentions were: NYT (3), WP (5), G (2).




