


             “I am tired of being quiet.” That was music to my ears! Thanks for sharing that sentiment during your speech in Atlanta yesterday. While it’s not exactly in line with my recommended New Year’s Resolution for you to MAKE SOME NOISE, it’s heading in the right direction.

            I also liked your reference to the Bible when you pointed out that it “teaches us to feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty, the new Georgia law actually makes it illegal … to bring your neighbors, your fellow voters food or water while they wait in line to vote. What in the hell -- heck are we talking about?” I’m sure Msgr. Hopkins will appreciate that you self-corrected when you swore.

         You had a decent representation in my newspapers this morning. Your voting rights speech was covered in 4 of my 5 papers as was your change of heart on the filibuster issue. It’s time to put the squeeze on JM3 & KLS to make a compromise & allow a suspension of the filibuster in this one instance.

         I hope things go well at General Raymond Odierno’s funeral today. It seems that he was quite the military strategist, as well as a popular guy. Please send my condolences to his family.

         Speaking of generals, I hope you heard that the Tatmadaw just fired their Air Force General, Maung Maung Kyaw. His is head of the “crooked” family that got written up in the NYT as “quietly equipping a brutal military.” Do you think that the Tatmadaw didn’t appreciate the bad publicity? I consider this good news because it’s a sign the military is falling apart. Please continue to keep a close eye on the situation there.




