

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,      

            We have a bit of chill in the air this morning & the possibility of rain in the future. Our parched landscape could use some relief. Our fire situation has improved for the time being so things are looking up around here.

            How are things in DC? Did you get a break at Camp David? I saw that you came back a day early, so I suspect that you were too worried about this week’s Congressional activity to relax. I wish some immigration legislation were on the list of things to do. While it might not be as pressing as raising the debt ceiling & passing the budget, we need to revise the laws that have not changed since 1986.

            Charlie Blow pointed out in today’s NYT that Haitians are being treated like “animals” because you are afraid of the “monsters” of DC. He says that it is an affront to his “collective consciousness of blackness born of the white supremacist erasure of our individuality.” I believe he has a point!

            I was disappointed to see that TX Gov Greg Abbott promised to hire any Border Patrol agents who might be dismissed due to mistreatment of migrants. It troubles me that being cruel is perceived to win political points.

            How do people become so callous? It seems to be a universal phenomenon as illustrated by today’s news in the Al Jazeera about women in villages in the Sagaing region of Myanmar who have to flee to the woods to avoid sexual assault by the Tatmadaw. Please join me in praying for them.

            While you can’t solve immigration & the Myanmar situation today, you could do something to help school districts procure food. According to the KCS, distributors are dropping their contracts due to supply chain issues & labor shortages. Low volume/high profit margin options are now more attractive than the high volume/low profit margin business they used to prefer. You could provide some incentives so our school kids don’t have to eat PB&Js everyday.




