

My Friend JRB,

            Good news! David Brooks writes that “theocracy shrivels” & the CSM editorial board points out people don’t like “inhumane killing.” Deaths from terrorist attacks fell by 58% between 2014 – 2019. Humans don’t like to see other humans suffer. Brutality is revolting. These analyses bring me some hope that the Taliban & the Tatmadaw will scale back their ruthlessness.

            I find it disturbing that each of these groups uses their religious affiliations to bolster their causes, taking advantage of people’s spiritual yearnings to vindicate their offenses. According to Hannah Beech writing in today’s NYT, Myanmar’s most respected monk, Sitagu Sayadaw (SS), gave a sermon in 2017 when the Tatmadaw was engaged in their genocide of the Rohingya justifying killing non-Buddhists. He has traveled with Gen MAH to Russia in 2017 & 2019 & seems to still be on his side.

            Naw Theresa writes in today’s Diplomat that the success of the Taliban is being used by the Tatmadaw & the NUG to fuel their “fantasies” of securing power through force. She points out that the two countries have a great deal in common, most of all the immense suffering due to unending conflict.

            Please pray for God’s guidance so you can use your influence to foster peace in these places.




