

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            My schedule is in flux. For you, every day is different, but you have people to help you keep things straight. I, on the other hand, have a routine which helps me to stay healthy, accomplish all of my goals & enjoy life. Since my return from my vacation, I have added swimming to the routine so I have had to make adjustments. Wednesdays are an anomaly because the pool gets cleaned during my usual swim time so I have to get there early which throws my routine out of whack. I am providing this long-winded explanation of my daily schedule to explain why this letter may be a mess.

            I have 3 topics today.

1)    Vote-a-rama

2)    Democracy Summit in Dec

3)    Oregon heat wave

Vote-a-rama (VAR)? Today is the first I’d heard of it, but, apparently, the Senate has been having them for a while. They had one last night before finally passing the $3.5 trillion budget blueprint. I couldn’t find out how many amendments were proposed, discussed briefly & then voted on. The NYT claims the VAR is an “exercise in gotchas” so operatives can compile a record for possible attack ads. Last night’s must have been a doozy since the final vote didn’t happen until 4AM. I can see why the Senators hate VARs so much.

            Democracy Summit! Great idea! Too bad that it’ll have to be virtual, but perhaps that’s the way of the future as we begin to cut back on air-travel to protect the planet. Will you be inviting VPP or RTE? They like to say that Russia & Turkey are democracies but those guy practice all of the things that you would like to defend against (authoritarianism, corruption & human rights abuses). If you do invite them, you should just call the event an anti-China rally.

            The Oregon heatwave that will hit tomorrow is freaky!!!

            Please continue praying for Myanmar. Latest news indicates the junta is excluding the Rohingya from CV vaccinations & the whole country might be headed for a famine. 




