

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I just got a letter from my employer, UCD, telling me that my SS# & birthdate had been stolen back in Dec, when that big hack happened. When you meet with your techie people today, please ask them what old ladies like me should do. Sit tight & keep our fingers crossed?

            As an old lady who doesn’t see enough people with XX chromosomes in Congress, I got a big smile out of reading about Rep. Lauren Underwood of the 14th District in IL today. I remember reading about her a couple of years ago, & was thrilled to see that she fought off Jim Oberweis in the 2020 campaign to get reelected, which is quite impressive given that her seat was gerrymandered to go to the GOP. I suspect that you chose to go to her district today as a gesture of support. Excellent choice!

            Isn’t she a breath of fresh air with her huge smile eye-popping outfits? I love that she  shows up & connects with her constituents. She claims to “go hard for farmers” and advocate for improvements to Black maternal healthcare. As a RN & the youngest African-American woman sworn into Congress, her passion for fixing our broken & biased medical system makes sense. As a pre-diabetic, I am grateful that she sponsored a bill to lower insulin costs. When you see her today, please give her my regards.

            The folks of Crystal Lake are ecstatic about your visit & are rolling out the red carpet. They anticipate you will visit Kaleidascoop Ice Cream. While you are at McHenry County College, check out their Weather Lab where the meteorology majors get to learn their craft.

            As usual pray for Myanmar.




