

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,          

            Sorry, I was too busy to write yesterday. I had my Yangon Meeting for Worship (MFW) at 7AM & my Davis MFW at 10 AM & a dear friend visited at 3PM. I also made a plum tart & tidied up the house. Not nearly as exciting as having 1000 first responders, essential workers & service members coming over for a BBQ to celebrate our declaration of independence from CV, but enough activity to prevent me from sending you Happy 4th of July greetings. According to the WP, DC got back to some degree of normality yesterday as folks went to various museums & monuments & watched fireworks.

            Speaking of monuments, have you heard that the NDN would like to change Mount Rushmore’s focus from an adoration of POTUSs to an acknowledgement of oppression? Phil Two Eagle, of the Great Sioux Nation, would like to meet with you & get your help to stop the ethnocide of our indigenous people & end our desecration of sacred lands by enabling the tribes to resume their roles as stewards. As you may remember the Sioux never took the settlement that the Supreme Court provided in 1980 when they ruled that the US had broken the 1851 & 1868 treaties when we let gold miners into the Black Hills. The Sioux  aren’t interested in $$, because they believe that “life has so much more meaning if you can see past the $$.”

            As long as we are helping people deal with land issues, let’s also see to it that Black folks don’t get priced out of their homes due to increases in their property taxes.

            We’ve got a lot of work to do to address these land issues. So, let’s get busy.




