

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you enjoy communion this weekend? An article in the NYT attempted to educate its readers about the transubstantiation that comes from the holy mystery of sacrament & the WP scolded the American Bishops for the “weaponization of Eucharist.” It’s too bad that politics has transcended faith. I hope you got the spiritual nourishment to keep going this week.

            It seems that your damage control is working & the infrastructure bills are back on their 2-tracks. I hope you get a warm reception tomorrow in La Crosse. Sen. Ron Johnson is complaining about a labor shortage so I hope you can put WI employers at ease.

            The other shortage I worry about is the housing shortage. I was reminded of how dire things are when I read the feature article in the KCS about the People’s Housing Trust Fund that tenants are asking for. They want to lead the conversation about how housing $$ are spent in KC so people come before profit. I think they have a point.

            Please give my regards to Israel President Reuven Rivilin (RR). Until today I didn’t know that Israel had a President to handle ceremonies & pardons while the PM does other things. If we had that kind of distribution of responsibilities, you could keep politicking for your bills while your partner hosted RR. I hope your visit with him will be a welcome diversion from trying to wrangle votes for your bills.

Don’t forget to pray for Myanmar.   




