

June 12, 2021


            What was it like to chat with Angela Merkel (ADM)? Isn’t it fascinating that a woman with a PhD in quantum chemistry is in charge of one of the strongest economies on the planet? Does her brilliance shine around her? Did you speak in English? Did Jill crack the impenetrable exterior of her husband?

            It’s too bad that ADM’s reign will be over soon. She did the world a lot of good. I am impressed that she convinced G.W. Bush that climate change was a global threat, that she served as a “one woman firewall against DJT”, that she convinced the G7 crew to pay attention to the fact that plastics are polluting the ocean & that she continues to figure out a way to market the surplus goods that Germany produces. According to the NYT, she does all of this by not calling attention to herself & parking her ego. It’s too bad that we don’t have more leaders like her.

            I like some of the language that I am seeing emerging from the G7 talks – “lasting scar of inequality,” “eradicate forced labor from our products” & “commitment to multilateralism.” Have you discussed UN Human Rights Chief, Michelle Bachelet’s proclamation that “The international community needs to unify in its demand that the Tatmadaw cease the outrageous use of heavy artillery against civilians and civilian objects?” If not, please bring it up to make it clear that the democracies of the world will not tolerate the human rights abuses taking place in Myanmar. You could also tell Nerendra Modi when he zooms in to give the Indian Muslims their citizenship back.

Don’t you love all of the protest art? I’m not sure you can see it because the Brits have blocked things off. Maybe you caught a glimpse of the inflatable of you and BJ floating around in the harbor – that was supercute, as were the little yellow creatures demonstrating against Japanese coal. Creativity is one of our divine gifts that keeps hope alive. I hope you’ll thank all the folks who took the time to let their God shine through.




