

Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Did you enjoy your visit to JBLE yesterday? Isn’t that Virginia Peninsula a lovely place with its pine trees & salty air? Everywhere you turn there’s a river or an inlet or a creek. If you take Rep. Elaine Luria up on her invitation to visit Norfolk, you’ll have to go to First Landing State Park to walk on the beach and check out the bald cypress swamps, lagoons and maritime forest.

            Your speech was great, except for the part when you tried to compliment Brittany Bean (BB). That was cringe-worthy. She had just expressed her “external and internal gratitude” to the troops for being “willing to protect the American Dream, to keep our nation a beacon of democracy and hope to others,” and described the wonderful experiences her kids had growing up with parents in the services. Then she welcomed you to JBLE. Making those remarks in front of a national audience must have been a challenge.

            Then you tell her, “I love those barrettes in your hair, man. I tell you what, look at her. She looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.” I know that you were trying to be nice, but you just can’t say stuff like that!

My dad sometimes talked like that & it made me flinch every time. I inferred that he had what we called “a dirty mind” which led him to size up women to judge their sexual attraction. The worst times were when we’d be walking down the street & he’d nudge me & then say, “she’s not wearing a bra.” It was bad enough that he was looking at a woman’s breasts, but then to tell his teenage daughter about it???? Totally clueless!!!!

So, Joe, you gotta stop trying to compliment women. We don’t want to hear your assessment of how young someone looks or whether you like their hair-do. Women do not appreciate being reminded that they are subject to the male gaze. I hope Jill gave you a talking to. Our last POTUS was crass. You don’t have to repeat his mistakes.



PS – Pls continue to pray for Myanmar



