

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It looks like you will have lovely weather for your visit to Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C) today. I hope you get a chance to see their Ideation Station which has “fab lab” equipment to “to promote innovation, creativity and design, and to facilitate mastery of new and emerging technologies.” Be sure to check to see if the space because makerspaces has an exclusive “tech bro culture” as tends to be the case in most makerspaces. Hopefully they are being intentional to make their facility welcoming to everyone. You might ask about that.

            I’m so glad that you are promoting Career & Technical education. As I’ve told you before we need more plumbers. We probably need more HVAC techs, too. I’m having a couple of them visit my house today to get an estimate on a mini-split to cool one of our rooms. The passive cooling built into our house in 1979 only goes so far when the thermometer hits 104 degrees. That’s the forecast for Monday.

            I hope you can find a way to pass an infrastructure bill with some support from the GOP. I recommend that you come down in price & stick to bridges, roads, etc. Leave elder care for a different bill. If you give that up, they might agree to the labor protections that Rep. Susan Wild & her crew are pressing for. As you know, compromise is what it’s all about. I’d love to see a Bipartisan bill pass so keep an open mind.

            Have you sent your condolences to Lt. Col. Charles Hagemeister’s family? If you haven’t heard, he’s a Medal of Honor recipient for his courageous efforts to save his comrades during in 1967 in Binh Dinh Province. He recently passed on & was laid to rest yesterday at the Levenworth National Cemetery where his service was the first big one they’ve had since CV started. A fitting way to begin the Memorial Day commemoration.





