

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I know 3 Rachels & my calendar is telling me that one of them is having a birthday today. Since I neglected to include a last name, I’m not sure which one it is. I could email all of them, but that would be awkward. I might have to look at Facebook, which I am loathe to do, but it would solve the mystery. Does this kind of thing ever happen to you?

            When you go to the Ford factory in Dearborn today, I hope you meet Linda Zhang. She’s the lead person of the team that designed the Electric version of the Ford F-150. I have no idea why your average American needs a truck that can pull 10 double decker freight cars, but the F-150 has instant torque which gives it the power to do that. She’s a big fan of the corporate culture at Ford claiming that it gave her flexibility when she had young kids. It would be nice if all women in America were that enthusiastic about their employer’s support of working moms.

            What’s the difference between a rocket and a bomb? Isn’t a bomb a whole lot more destructive? My limited knowledge of physics would suggest that’s the case. The bomb is dropped from a plane, so it picks up speed as it falls from way up high. A rocket is launched from the ground, using all of the energy from its launch to get as high as it can, which is not nearly as high as the airplane, & then gravity kicks in & it accelerates at 32 feet per second. I ask because Hamas is shooting rockets & Israel is dropping bombs. It’s not a fair fight, & the losers are the Palestinian refugees, who were already suffering. I hope your quiet diplomacy starts working soon!!!

            As always, please join me in holding the people of Myanmar in the Light.




