

My dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It’s clear that the pen is mightier than the sword & strong men around the world are afraid of words. Words on paper stay there. It’s called reification. Our lives may be fleeting, but thoughts made visible on a stone tablet, a piece of parchment, in a book or on a computer screen have lasting power. The word being used to describe Israel’s activities these days is APARTHEID. Bibi hates this so he bombed AP’s headquarters. The fact that Aljazeera had offices in the building, too, made the decision that much easier. I hope you let him know that you do not support his efforts to suppress freedom of speech & he better stop soon or we’ll take back the $3.3 billion we promised.

            Can you tell that I’m agitated? Fortunately, I will be in Meeting for Worship in a couple of hours & that should calm me down. Speaking of religious practices, I understand that some of the Catholic Bishops think you should stop receiving Communion because you are Pro-Choice. Talk about suppressing free speech! I would think that they’d want everyone to take communion because as Pope Francis wrote Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

I’m not into communion myself. The idea of eating Christ is not appealing to me. I commune with God every morning when I sit down to write to you seeing what the Lord’s children have been up to & hoping that my impressions of the state of the world are helpful to you. I would love to know if this is the case.

            I hope you are continuing to pray for the people of Burma.




