

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            It looks like you had a nice visit to the VA Theological Seminary yesterday. You did a good job of spreading the news that over 150 million people in the US have had at least one shot. I heard you repeat that stat at least 5 times. I enjoyed listening to your chat with the woman from India who was so proud of her kids. It must have been nice to get out of the Oval Office for a change.

            As you continue to watch what’s going on in Burma, I hope you are realizing the danger of letting the military get too strong. Clearly, the generals there have gone amok. So please read Peter Beinart’s piece in the NYT today which provides several reasons that we should scale back our military spending. I found it concerning to read that so many of your cabinet members have close relationships with defense contractors. Do you have a peace activist in your cabinet to offset this influence?

            The Burmese junta just jailed Zarganar, an outspoken comedian. Folks who can’t take a joke should not be running a country.




