

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I’m cutting to the chase today with my three things.

1)    Thing one is my usual “ask.” Do something about Burma – Myanmar Now had a story today about Major Hein Thaw Oo who defected from the Tatmadaw. He says the military has been broken for a while. Others might be enticed to leave with the right messaging. Get your hackers busy.

2)    Thing two is a suggestion to read David Montgomery’s article in the WP – Search for Environmental Hope. He suggests that hope grows from embracing our despair so when we read news like the story in the G today about how the North & South Poles have moved because the mass of the Earth is being redistributed due to glacial melt & groundwater extraction we don’t freak out & hide under our covers.

3)    Thing three is a request to say the following names: Ryan Stokes, Donnie Sanders, Terrance Bridges & Cameron Lamb who were all unarmed men killed by the KCPD. According to the KCStar, their moms were relieved about this week’s verdict, but would like accountability for the officers who killed their sons. Maybe we need a memorial in DC for all of the unarmed Black Folx killed by the police.

It’s a gorgeous day & I have things to do. I know you do, too.




