

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            We’ll be having bagels and avocado this morning as soon as I finish writing to you. I indulged my craving by getting up before the sun to beat the crowd at Noah’s. I can’t eat bagels very often, now that I am “pre-diabetic.” The only time I eat starch is when I know I will get plenty of exercise. Today activities will include a bike ride & some gardening so I should be able to process the glucose in my blood. You are so lucky you can eat all the ice cream you want. That’s a rare treat for me.

            It’s hard to be joyful today given the horrendous events in Myanmar. The generals went overboard on “Armed Forces Day.” They threatened to shoot people in the head & that’s exactly what they did. When you discuss this assault on democracy with reporters you can express your admiration for the people who remain undaunted & are not succumbing to efforts to divide them over religious rifts. Even the Maha Nayaka, the committee of monk leaders, have called on the military to halt the violence & monks in the street are refusing to accept alms from soldiers. According to the CSM, this spiritual exile will weigh heavy on the troops. You can express your concern that the Karen National Union claims to have seized weapons from the Tatmadaw which might find their way to Yangon & the “peaceful” protests could turn into armed conflict. I hope every diplomat in the State Department is trying to imagine their way out of this. Certainly, American ingenuity can figure a way that the generals can back off while saving face.

            I trust that things went well at the Keisha Lance Bottoms fundraiser yesterday. Maybe you will have one for Kim Janey soon. She’s another “Magic Black Girl” leading a major US city. Bostonians are so lucky to have her at the helm. Anyone who can attend Smith College after having a baby at age 16 has incredible tenacity. I hope she can make good on her promises to deal with the housing crisis.




