

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Are you having trouble prioritizing projects? I know I am. Since the world is far from perfect there are so many problems vying for our attention. My project for the day is to consult with a plumber about the 4 water related issues in our house. Not nearly as consequential as your project for the day, which is shining a light on the terrible shooting rampage in Atlanta.

            I have read several articles about it this morning. As Leng Leng Chancey, executive director of 9to5 National Association of Working Women says, “It’s definitely a race issue. It’s also misogyny and a class issue. All of these intertwined — white supremacy, structural violence and xenophobia.” The incident raises questions about immigration, exploitation, religion and gun control. I encountered terms such as “fetishization”, “toxic masculinity”, “religious mania” and “incel culture.” The take away for me is that tortured souls should not have easy access to guns. The shooter purchased his weapon on the day that he committed his crimes. If there was a waiting period, he might have found a different way to quiet the demons that were haunting him & 8 people would still be alive.

            It’s clear to me that there was a racial component to his act, but given that implicit bias is held at a sub-conscious level, I doubt investigations will find evidence that he hated Asian women. The disturbing thing about this crime is that he hated himself and his church affiliation fueled this hatred by vilifying sexual urges. I am so disappointed that Crabapple First Baptist Church has “disowned” him. I doubt that’s what Jesus would do.

            May the grace of God be with you today as you try to ease the pain of those affected by this tragedy. I am grateful that you are the POTUS in this moment.




