

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I’m not sure what to write today so I may have to default to the weather. I was inspired by Jason Samenow’s entertaining WP piece that points out DC could still have a cold snap in March & it might snow if the cold air & moisture sync up. It’s nice that you’ve had a stretch of warmth, but don’t put your winter coat away just yet. We’re having rain. Hopefully it doesn’t discourage the bees from finding the almond flowers which are just beginning to blossom.

            I was troubled to read about Ground Based Strategic Deterrent Missiles in the Guardian today. Apparently, Northrop Grumman has used 410 lobbyists & $119 million to persuade Congress that we need a new ICBM. I don’t need to read the Siloed Thinking report from the Federation of American Scientists to know that adding to our arsenal of 3800 warheads is NOT NECESSARY!!!! Nuclear weapons are old school. Let’s stop throwing away our $$$ on them.

            I am still waiting to hear you express sympathies to the people of Burma for the upheaval in their country. The last statement you made was on Feb 10. Just int eh past few days another NLD official was killed in custody. Media outlets have been raided & the police are being ordered to shoot at peaceful protestors. Perhaps you could tell the world that you are praying for them.




