

My Dear Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            How was WI? I understand that you encountered some Myanmar demonstrators. I wish you had practiced your “personal politics” & stopped to talk with them. They would have told you that Aung San Suu Kyi has been charged with a 2nd violation & had a hearing yesterday which her lawyer didn’t even know about. I am in awe of the 100,000 people out in the streets of Yangon braving the threat of incarceration to show their opposition to military rule. I was disappointed to see that you did not mention Burma last night at the Town Hall. Bearing witness to this situation is the least we can do.

            Did you realize that yesterday was Mardi Gras? I almost missed it with Valentine’s Day, President’s Day & then Mardi Gras all in row. I managed to pull together a gumboish dish from the leftovers in the fridge & stuff in the freezer. The only ingredient I was missing was okra. My husband hates it, so he was happy about that. Do you like okra?

The indefatigable folks of NOLA didn’t forget Mardi Gras. The New Culture Riderz were out in the streets on their horses & the bike Krewe decorated their cycles. Isn’t it great that they managed to mark the day in a CV safe way?

I just learned last night that one of my former students has been enchanted by the place & has decided not to come home from her birthday trip to the Crescent City. She’s found several folks there who recognize her talents & are eager to have her join their efforts to enhance the lives of African-American youth. I’d love to see you forgive her student loans so she can launch into this new life debt free.

            I’m glad to see that you will be spending some time thinking about our cyber threat today. While you’re at it, see if we can do something to prevent this power outage situation in TX from ever happening again.




