

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            Creo que es la hora para aprender Espanol! It’s time to learn Spanish! Saying a few words in the language their mom’s use would endear you to many kids at East End Elementary, your destination in NJ today.

How do you pick the places that you visit? According to Great Schools’ 3/10 rating, East End has some academic struggles. Their students may perform below the state average on the PARCC test but would probably outscore most Americans on a test of bilingualism. Please applaud the teachers for their efforts & thank the kiddos for wearing their masks.

            Some of the media outlets speculate that you are going to NJ to help Phil Murphy get re-elected as Gov. The NYT claims his success is contingent on the Dems showing up to the polls & the voters’ feelings about his mask mandates. Folks on the Jersey Shore have put up yard signs saying, “Free the Smiles.” While the sentiment may be problematic, you have to admit, it’s humorous. Even I think requiring 2-year-olds to wear masks at day-care is a bit much.

            It sounds like BBB might pass in the next day or 2! Did JM3 change his mind after reading that piece in the Sun WP about his voters losing out if his demands over the CTC prevail?

Too bad the electric utility measure isn’t part of the bill. Maybe you can get that passed in a separate law that some GOPers could get on board with. The day of the climate deniers is over. KS Sen Jerry Moran has been known to advocate for wind energy. Sen Rick Scott is paying lip service to addressing climate change. Mitt Romney & Lindsay Graham are in favor of taxing carbon emissions. LA Sen Bill Cassidy wants to protect his shorelines from sea level rise. ND Sen Kevin Cramer is worried about drought. As you go to Glasgow, you can express hope that the dawn of a new day is coming.

            Speaking of dawn of a new day, let’s keep praying that things will change for the people of Myanmar.





