

My Friend & POTUS, JRB,

            I hope you have heard that UN special rapporteur on Myanmar, Tom Andrews, believes that tens of thousands of troops and heavy weapons are amassing in the North. He is worried that the Tantadaw are preparing to repeat the atrocities of 2016-17 when they went after the Rohingya. Nothing good will come of this. Please keep yourself informed about the situation & work with the UN to figure out a way to help.

In the meantime, we can hold ALL of the people of Myanmar in the Light, which includes the Tatmadaw & Min Aung Hlaing. As you will recall, I am a Quaker & our basic tenant is that there is that of God in everyone. Our job is to look for the Divine in each person. So, we avoid vilifying anyone, even those who do awful things. We recognize that we all have our demons & some of us let them get the better of us. I think you have the Quaker spirit, yourself. Even when haters go off on you, you smile.

On that topic, did you see today’s WP article delineating all of the vulgarities being aimed at you now-a-days as a part of “angry, rage therapy.” The latest is a code, “Let’s Go Brandon” which has something to do with a NASCAR racer. According to Slate, it’s a tongue-in-cheek way to criticize you and blame you for anything that’s going wrong in the country at any given moment. It’s unfortunate that folks are scapegoating you, but don’t let that stop you from moving forward with the BBB plan. You are almost there.

Enjoy your time in Delaware this weekend,





